Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Life Can Change So Quickly

Where to begin? Really...everything in my life is a complete whirlwind and has been for the past year! I fell in love with Aaron Corkwell, got engaged, we found out I was pregnant, had a dream wedding on the beach, bought a house, signed back up for school, and now in just 10 short days...JUST 10...I am going to have a son!

Me...Mommy...who would have thought this day would have come so quickly? 4 years ago I just graduated high school and was getting ready to start my freshman year of college! Now I am married to my soulmate, AND we are having a baby! I made a person! Someone's life totally depends on me, and Aaron. I'm shaping this little human's life and I think it is crazy! I can't wait to do this, but I still feel totally oblivious to what is about to happen to me. I know it will be hectic and crazy and tiring, especially with school starting too, but it sounds fun and wonderful all at the same time! I am just so afraid that I will do something wrong and lead him in the wrong way, but I guess all new parents are, right? Babies don't come with instruction manuals, and never have though, so I am sure I will figure it out!

Not only am I only sort of ready to be a mom, but I am sort of ready to go back to school! I want to go back so bad, but I know once I have my little Silas in my arms, I will never want to leave him...well almost never. I am so glad that Aaron will be home a lot and that my mom is willing to watch him while we are both gone. I just want to be able to put all of my effort into school and getting that done in May so I can get a good job, but I also wish I could put all of my effort into my son! I want to be the best mom possible and I know that getting an education and being able to provide for my family is the best thing to do right now, especially while Silas is young and won't notice that I am not there as much as he would if he were older, but I still feel bad. It's only 10ish months left of school and then I will just have Silas time for a while before I get a job!

In 10 days or less, my life is going to completely turn 180 degrees, but I guess I am ready...for the most part. Bring it on, Life!